盛田甲州ワイナリー シャンモリ 甲州シュール・リー
【盛田甲州ワイナリー シャンモリ 甲州シュール・リー】
圧搾を極力控えた新鮮な果汁のみを使用してゆっくりと低温醗酵、醗酵後はシュール・リー製法にて約6ヶ月間タンク内でワインと澱を接触。「ルバイヤート」と比べると酵母の香りが殆どなく、代わりに爽やかな和柑橘が豊かに感じます。たぶんバトナージュ(ワインと澱の攪拌)を丁寧に行ったことによる良い方の効果が表れているようです。飲むと溌剌とした酸が口中いっぱいに感じ、その厚みのある酸に負けない果実の旨味もあり、爽やかな余韻を残しながらキレイにフィニッシュまで続く印象です。 余韻には「ルバイヤート」に感じられた甲州独特の苦みが殆どなく、豊富な酸が今後の熟成も期待させます。
【Morita Koshu Winery Shanmori Koshu Sur Lie】
Slowly ferment at low temperature using only fresh juice with minimum compression, and after fermentation, contact wine and sediment in the tank for about 6 months in the Sur Lie method. There is almost no smell of yeast compared to "Le Baiato", and instead I feel a refreshing Japanese citrus rich. It seems that the effect of the better one appears by having done Batnajé (stirring wine and sediment) carefully. When you drink it you can feel the acidity of the whole mouth full, there is also the taste of the fruit that can not lose the thick acid, it is an impression that lasts until the finish while leaving a refreshing afterglow. There is almost no bitterness unique to Koshu, which was felt by "Le Baiat" in the afterglow, and abundant acid also makes it look for future ripening.
Taste the balance of the soft acid while feeling the fruit taste, accompanied by a slight bitterness "traditional taste of Sur Lie" if it is [rubaiato]
Gorgeous scent and beautiful finish, thick acidity to feel the volume of the taste of the wine "Sur Lie of the modern taste" If [Shammori]
Is recommended.