城戸ワイナリー ヴェルデレー 2018


At the "Wine Study Group" held at Kofu City and Komeya Hotel, I received a Japanese wine using a variety called Verdelay. This Verdelay variety is a hybrid variety also known as "Sebel 9110", and former Santoneges explained that it was made in Yamanashi before. A little darker yellow eyes. Smell like bananas and fruit tomatoes. It has a light fruity taste, and it has a firm sense of alcohol origin or sweetness, and there is also a slight saltiness and barrel nuances. It is a solid wine of the body.

日本ワイン 凛花 / Japanese-Wine Rinka

日本ワイン専門店「甲州セラー凛花」 Japanese wine specialty shop "Kosu cellar Rinka"


  • 1000 / 1000