日本製の「BUENA-LITE」というライターで、私が譲受をした「ふじたや」の前の屋号「富士田屋」の増築記念でお渡ししたもの。何と手動式の2桁の電話番号が記載されており、調べるとその番号が使われていたのは1979年以前ということ。たぶん私の祖父が店を営んでいた頃のものを、使用することなく大切に保管しており、何かの機会に発掘! (笑) そして、自分が持っているより「富士田屋」の子孫にと、50年ぶりに「ふじたや」へと戻ってきました。
There was something very happy yesterday. I am so happy that I am usually up on this blog related to Japanese wine.
A Japanese-made "BUENA-LITE" lighter that I handed in at the enlargement commemoration of "ふじたや", the trade name in previous of "富士田屋". What a manual two-digit telephone number is listed, and it is that it was used before 1979 when it was checked. Maybe my grandfather was running a store, and I keep it in a safe place without using it and dig it out for something! (Laughs) And I returned to "富士田屋" for the first time in 50 years, as a descendant of "ふじたや" from my own.
Thank you very much. I will cherish.