サドヤ ロゼ スパークリング 2018

甲府市善光寺町、サドヤの誇るグラン・クリュ(特級畑)、サドヤ農場産カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンを、セニエ法で醸造した贅沢なロゼワインをベースに、フレッシュなワインの魅力を重視しカーボネイティッド方式でスパークリングワインにした「黒ブドウで造ったロゼ スパークリング」。


しっかりと冷やさないと、泡が荒くなり、このワインの良さが感じられません。 キリッと冷やして、魚介や鳥を素材にシンプルな味付けの料理が合いそうです。

Kofu City Zenkoji Town, Sarunya's Grand Cru (special grade field), Caverné Sauvignon from Satya Farm, based on luxury rose wine brewed by the Senié method, with the emphasis on the appeal of fresh wine and sparkling with a carbonated system "Rosé sparkling made of black grapes" made into wine. A pale salmon pink tone. The aroma of red fruits such as cherries, and the fruit taste of black fruits such as blackberry is firmly felt in the attack, and then thick acidity, and it continues to a pleasant finish while feeling the fruit taste again after. Soft tannins and abundant acid make up a firm taste and freshness, and you can feel the characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon sufficiently and simply. If you do not cool well, the bubbles will be rough and you will not feel the goodness of this wine. Let's chill it and try to make simple seasoned dishes with seafood and birds.

日本ワイン 凛花 / Japanese-Wine Rinka

日本ワイン専門店「甲州セラー凛花」 Japanese wine specialty shop "Kosu cellar Rinka"


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