日本ワインコンクール 2019


An award ceremony and a public tasting for the “Japan Wine Contest” was held in Kofu City to compete for the quality of wine brewed using only domestic grapes. We participate every year because it is an opportunity to taste all the award-winning Japanese wines that have been improving in quality in recent years.


“I think it's a crystal of know-how and efforts accumulated at Yamanashi,” says Hironori Matsuo, general manager of Chateau Mercian, who won the gold award for the five most popular brands this time.

欧州・国内改良品種ブレンド 赤で部門最高賞受賞の白百合醸造、内田社長。ワインを大切に育てる直向きな姿勢にはいつも感銘を受けます。

European / Domestic Improved Variety Blend Red Shirayuri Brewery, President Uchida, Red I am always impressed by the direct attitude of carefully growing wine.

欧州系品種 白で金賞受賞の丸藤葡萄酒工業、大村社長(左から2人目)。2017シャルドネはリッチな味わいでした。

European varieties White gold medal award Maruto Fuji Sake Industry, President Omura (second from left). 2017 Chardonnay had a rich taste.

日本ワイン 凛花 / Japanese-Wine Rinka

日本ワイン専門店「甲州セラー凛花」 Japanese wine specialty shop "Kosu cellar Rinka"


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