ロリアン 勝沼甲州 2017

和柑橘の香りに続きグレープフルーツの爽やかな香り。 柔らかくなめらかなアタック その柔らかさを伴って徐々に爽やかな酸が口中を支配する。時間経過とともに徐々に渋みを感じ始めながら爽やかな酸と共にフィニッシュ! ふくらみがありふくよかな味わいの甲州、酸が強い味わいが苦手な方にはおすすめです。

Following the scent of Japanese citrus, the refreshing scent of grapefruit. Soft and smooth attack A refreshing acid gradually dominates the mouth with its softness. Finish with a refreshing acid while gradually beginning to feel astringency over time! Recommended for Koshu, which has a bulge and a rich taste, and is not good at acid taste.


In the hot summer, the soft fruity taste and the refreshing acid feel very lively when cooled down. Goes well with appetizers with salted summer vegetables.

日本ワイン 凛花 / Japanese-Wine Rinka

日本ワイン専門店「甲州セラー凛花」 Japanese wine specialty shop "Kosu cellar Rinka"


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