2019 令和元年 甲州新酒
まずはメーカーからのヴィンテージ報告。「2019年ヴィンテージは暖冬ではあったものの春先の寒の戻りと乾燥が生育を遅らせ、開花は昨年に比べ、7日~10日遅れた。梅雨は長く、期間中には絶え間ない降雨と低温が続き、生育はまた緩やかに推移。ヴェレゾンは昨年より10日、平年より1週間ほど遅く開始した。ヴェレゾン以降は比較的好天に恵まれたため、健全さを保ったままの収穫を迎えた。 甲州 産地:甲府市(玉諸地区) 今年はずっと難しい天候でしたが、お盆明けからずっとよい天候が続いていて、 充実したブドウが取れています。 マスカット・ベーリーA 産地:甲府市 若いぶどう樹から初収穫となるブドウ。 果皮の色の成熟、糖度の蓄積が順調にすすんでいます 」
November 3 is the ban on the Japanese Nouveau. I immediately sampled several Japanese Nouveaus.
First of all, a vintage report from the manufacturer. “The 2019 vintage was a warm winter, but the cold return and drying in early spring slowed growth, and flowering was delayed 7-10 days compared to last year. The rainy season was long, and there was constant rainfall and low temperatures during the period. The veraison started on the 10th of last year and about a week later than the normal year.After Veraison, it was blessed with good weather, and the harvest remained healthy. : Kofu City (Tamamoro District) This year, the weather was much more difficult, but the weather has been good since the beginning of the Bon Festival, and there are plenty of grapes Muscat Berry A Origin: Kofu City First harvest from young vines Grapes that are becoming fruit.The maturation of the skin color and the accumulation of sugar content are progressing smoothly. "
The report is pretty good, but the raw voices of the actual production areas are generally severe. Actually tasting, the most felt is acid. The acid of last year's vintage also felt a lot of acid, but it was accompanied by fruit, so I felt that acid as the skeleton of wine, but this year's acid contributes to a refreshing impression even if it is not a skeleton. It is that. What can be said in common with each producer Koshu is that 2019 has a refreshing and softer impression than 2018, and a more refreshing taste like the Japanese Nouveau than last year.